Member Benefits:

  • Educational Seminars
  • Peer networking opportunities
  • CPCS/CPCSM Certification Mentorship
  • Scholarships for Association Members
  • Newsletters
  • Legislative updates
  • Regional Educational Meetings
  • CEUs


  1. And the # 1 reason to be a MAMSS Member: BELONG to an association of like-minded individuals endeavoring to make a difference in the quality of healthcare provided in our communities, our State and our Nation.
  2. Networking Connect with other MSSPs who can help you answer the questions you face on the job. Visit the MAMSS discussion board and post your questions online or look up contact information in the online membership roster for MAMSS members.
  3. Education  Gain the knowledge you need to do your job through opportunities like the MAMSS Annual Conference; discussion boards and much more.
  4. Shared Resources Don’t recreate the wheel! Share ideas/documents with other MSSPs on the Members Only Discussion Board relating to standards, regulations, and other newsworthy items, including sample policies, forms and templates.
  5. Marketing Materials Visit the MAMSS website for access to materials that promote our Association, our chapters and our profession, as well as National Medical Staff Services Awareness week, the first week of November, and educate others about the value and importance of MSSPs.
  6. Leadership Opportunities Gain personal and professional growth, as well as a broader view of the depth and vision for the association, by taking on a leadership role. If you are not ready to jump into a leadership role, there are many opportunities that also exist to volunteer for committees, task forces and special projects. One of the biggest assets we have as an association is the vision, values and dedication of MAMSS volunteers and leaders.
  7. Regional Meetings MAMSS is split up into four different Regions; North, South, Central and Metro. Each Region offers several in-person meetings each year that provide an excellent opportunity to network, have in-depth discussions and CEU offerings through Webinars.
  8. Information  Keep up with the latest issues and industry information that affects Medical Staff Service Professionals (MSSPs) through our newsletter, MAMSS website, Facebook, LinkedIn and e-Blasts to our members.
  9. Access  Find new employment opportunities or advertise one through Careers on the MAMSS website.
  10. Collaboration Work together with various medical staff professional associations and physician certification/licensing agencies to realize shared goals, knowledge, and resources.